Latest round of TIGER grants announced, track them on our interactive map
The latest (sixth, if you’re counting) round of TIGER grants has been released — $584 million worth going to 72 projects in every corner of the country. Click through to see them all on our updated interactive map.
T4America statement in response to passenger rail reauthorization bill
The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee today released a long-awaited update to the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act, the law that funds passenger rail. James Corless, director of Transportation for America, issued this statement in response:
Budget battles leave a cloud over transportation funding as lame duck session looms
Same story, different year. Once again, we’re nearing the beginning of a new (fiscal) year on October 1, and Congress has failed to pass a budget to fund the government for the upcoming year. Even if Congress passes a temporary budget to avert a shutdown —which is looking likely — important transportation programs could still be put on hold on until Congress passes a full budget.
New grant program to support smart development around transit lines is open for business
A program created in the 2012 transportation law to help communities plan for transit-oriented development is open for business — and T4America is ready to help your community win some of that grant funding.
A dozen states have moved to raise transportation dollars, with more to come: Track them here
With Congress continuing to flail on providing stable funding, many states are finding they can’t wait and are moving on their own. But it’s not always as simple anymore as adding pennies to a per-gallon gas tax, so states are taking some creative approaches. You can learn about what 12 states already have done – and the political fall-out from it – with our revamped and refreshed tracker. You’ll also see what’s brewing in still more states.
TIGER grant winners to be announced this week
News on the winners of the sixth round of TIGER, the popular federal grant program for innovative local transportation projects, is leaking out already, with formal release of the full list expected later this week.
Wyoming voters reward elected leaders for raising transportation revenue
In February of 2013, Wyoming’s state legislature decided to stabilize their state’s transportation fund by passing a ten-cent increase to their gas tax. The state is expected to be able to invest an additional $72 million per year in its transportation system as a result. On Tuesday, those elected leaders faced their first primary election since the vote to raise the gas tax.
Congress postpones insolvency, but uncertainty still plagues the Highway Trust Fund’s future
The last-minute patch to the Highway Trust Fund that Congress enacted on the way out the door last week delayed immediate insolvency, but it hardly ends the uncertainty for states or addresses our nation’s long-term prospects.
T4America statement in response to Senate adoption of stopgap to avoid Highway Trust Fund insolvency
The Senate today approved a House-passed measure to transfer $10.8 billion from the general fund to cover the looming shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund until next spring. The stopgap bill, which now heads to President Obama’s desk, comes one day before a deadline to avoid significant funding cuts during the height of construction season. James Corless, director of Transportation for America, issued this statement in response:
Massachusetts is attempting to lead the way on a performance-based system for selecting transportation projects.
Last year, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed a landmark bill to fund urgently needed statewide transportation investments over the coming years. But how will the state ensure that those dollars go where they’re needed most and can have the greatest impact? Advocates, state officials and other stakeholders in Massachusetts are in the midst of figuring that out.